Tuesday, August 4, 2015

It's Not That Kind Of Fringe...

 Well, I had a look at the line up for the Fringe Festival and it looks, perhaps, a little more subdued than I had initially hoped on seeing the word "Fringe". A little less brash and obnoxious and a little more cultured and quiet perhaps. The studious younger sister of the dropout I had envisioned. Nevertheless, I am excited!
I'm hung-over today and the world always seems a little closer, a little more real when I'm hung-over. The acquired brain injury from a night drinking takes the sharp edges off a lot of the world and it's easy to feel content smiling at strangers on the tram or walking slowly in the rain.
I just made it through an hour and a half of Spanish class. I understood what was being said for most of it too. Immediately afterwards I celebrated by devouring a chicken burger in about 8 seconds and (against all my vaunted scruples) sculling a can of Coke like the guy from the Solo ad.
This man, dear readers, is no mere mortal. Today I am a Satyr, a Faun, a demigod of  mischief and mayhem and I'm about to get the fuck out of Melbourne for a week! I have limited funds for my adventure but, in all honesty, I like it that way. I'll be sleeping on couches and eating out of dumpster's. Hell, I might even have a busk out the front of the Coles for old times sake.
See, I lived in Bendigo for 6 months out of last year. I started my degree there. In all honesty, I love the place. There's something about the clash of Gold Rush era architecture with tattoo parlours, and emo kids hassling you for change, of a gang of Bikies having a pride ride past where I'm busking at the steps of the beautiful Bendigo Gallery, that really speaks to me.
I like dichotomies. I've explored the storm water drains that course through the centre of the city and read poetry at sunset in the park with my lover and our dog. We'd been friends for nearly a decade before we finally moved in together, in Bendigo. Two days before we left for Melbourne our next door neighbour killed himself to be with his wife who had passed away a year before. She was all he ever talked about. Dichotomy. Bendigo's got it in spades.
I'm looking at the Writers Festival program while I'm writing this and getting more and more excited. I'm finally paying proper attention and there is lots of meat in this thing. Maybe this blogging thing is actually gonna help me to write more. My hopes, dear reader, are soaring. Even though I'm hung over today I'm prepared for uni, I've done my readings and made my notes. I was on time. It's a bit late getting here but my enthusiasm for Uni is finally kicking into gear.
I need coffee now. No more cigarettes though. Never again.

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